11 Email Marketing Strategy

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For your email marketing campaign to be successful, you should not just click the send button and wait for the result. You should have different strategies for every campaign. You should plan out everything before running a campaign. Make sure to read until the final sentence to know everything you should know for a successful email campaign on your next one.

1. Choose the best Email Marketing tools for you.

The first thing you should do is look for email marketing tools that reach your standard. You can base your standard on your liking, budget, and the user-friendliness of the tools you are eyeing. 

Great tools should be one of your priorities when you are planning to buy one for your campaign. The tool you’ve chosen will be your friend until the end of your campaign. Different tools have different inclusion. Some tools offer great email marketing templates but are hard to automate, some are vice versa. You should just find the right tool that will be your buddy all through your email marketing campaign era. 

I have already listed all the top 5 email marketing tools you can find in the market this 2022. You can look it up anytime at the top 5 email marketing tools, for your basis. With that blog, hopefully, you find the best email marketing for you.

2. Personalize your emails by including names and locations.

The second thing you should keep in mind is to keep your email personalized. In every template, you will find there the personalization area, mostly at the footer part. You just have to edit everything out. There are functions in every email marketing tool that will allow you to make personalized emails. 

First, you have to upload your leads as CSV files. You have to recheck your title or the first row on your files. With that, you will be able to personalize your email easier. For example “{Name}” then in your email, the name will be the one that under the column “name” in your email leads to your CSV files. The same functions are also in different fields such as address, email, Surname, business owner, and more. 

Personalization of email will make you more like talking to your receiver themselves. It will look as if you are talking to them in person. I’ll be more convinced once the email is personally talking to me, and seems like you’ll help my business grow. 

3. Develop a Free Offer.

People tend to be excited once they see an exclusive offer, much more when the offer is free. A free offer doesn’t mean that you have to give away your products or services in exchange for nothing. You can create a promo that will give them a fifty percent (50%) discount or any amount of discount, and you can always say that when they buy something from you they will get something for free, like extra products and other stuff. 

Offering free stuff will surely catch your receiver’s attention. Especially when your offer will benefit them. It’s just a bit psychological, you’ll offer them something they can’t refuse, and then they’ll be your next customer. Just make sure that you do not overdo it. Just offer what they need. Create an offer or bundle of offers that will both benefit you and your receiver. 

4. Audience Segmentation.

In email marketing, you should know how to segregate your email list. You can create subgroups based on different aspects. 

Creating subgroups from location, gender, age, type of industry they are in, and more.  By doing such things, you can easily create an email campaign depending on your audience. You can easily create an email that will surely fit their needs, and probably their wants. Your life as an email marketer will be so much easier by doing so. 

You will reduce or even eliminate the chance of sending inappropriate emails to your receiver. You will surely not send an email for a broker to a beauty expert.  Just learn how to create subgroups based on your receiver’s information. 

5. Strategic Email List Building.

Just like audience segmentation, you should also learn how to strategically build your email list. Your email list will be your receiver, you should never mess up with your email list. 

Aside from creating subgroups on your email, you should always check your email list. Once you send your first email campaign, always check for your statistics. Check your bounce rate, open rate, and your subscription. With that, you can clean your email list. If you’re not cleaning your email list, you will surely have problems with your next campaign.

Do you know why your email is in the spam or promotion folder? It’s because your bounce rate the last time you created a campaign is high. A high bounce rate will result in your high spam rate. By building an email list strategically, you can avoid getting labeled as spam. 

On your next campaign, make sure that you build, and clean your email list from time to time. 

6. Make sure your emails are mobile-friendly.

As per bankmycell.com, there are 7.26 billion smartphone users in the world. With smartphones being portable and easy to use, most of the population uses them, even for work. With that information, you should know that some or most of your receivers are smartphone users. They might open your emails by phone.

With that being said, you should make all your email campaigns mobile-friendly. All the functions you put in your campaigns should be available on both personal computers and mobile devices. You should keep in mind that your receiver is not just a computer user. 

In email marketing tools, there are view fields. You can check how your email looks when you send them. You can also view them on a computer and in mobile form. 

7. Provide Valuable Content.

Your content will be your best converter. Creating content that gathers attention and curiosity will surely benefit you. However, you should create valuable content. 

With valuable content, meaning to say, you should reach your target audience’s needs, you should always be real, educational, and able to inspire. 

Reaching the needs of your target audience means that you provide them with answers to their problems. You should be authentic and realistic, do not say the things that are hard or impossible to achieve in a short time. You should be providing more answers than questions. You should be able to tell them, through email, the things about you, your service, or your products. Lastly, you should be able to inspire them. Inspiring your receivers through email will spark and might start your new project. 

8. Use high-quality visuals in your emails.

According to atlassian.com, 65% of the population of the world are visual learners. Adding an informative, and high-quality visual will surely skyrocket your click rate. You can also inform them about your promotions, and exclusive offers through visuals. 

As you can see in some of the advertisements you can find online, they use incredible visuals to promote their products, same through email marketing. You should maximize the fact that most people are visual learners. Create content that contains high-quality visuals, and you’ll surely gain from it. 

9. Add CTA (Call To Action).

In every email, there are two(2) things you should never forget. One of those things is the CTA or also known as Call To Action. CTA can be a button or hyperlink of your website or social media. 

CTA will include all of your contact information or all the contact information of your business. Most of the time, CTA can be found at the footer or bottom part of your email. There, you can put all your social media, your website link, email, location, and contact number. Putting CTA will make it easier for your receiver to contact you anytime, they just have to click your CTA, and that’s it. 

10. Test your email subject lines.

I mentioned that there are two(2) things that you should never forget while doing your email. The other one, aside from your CTA, is the subject line. 

When a receiver receives your email the first thing they will see is the first 20 characters, the time they’ve received the email, and the subject line. The first 20 characters won’t complete the sentence, so, technically, the only complete message they will see is your subject line. Although the subject line is just one line, it will be the most effective message to send your receiver and lead them into opening your email. 

Testing your subject line is very important. By testing your subject line, you will be able to tell if your campaign will be good for your campaign. While testing, you should send a few tests in your “receiver”, with that, you will be able to select the best subject line for your email campaign. Testing multiple subject lines will let you have a different point of view and your receiver will love it, for sure.

11. Plan out an email sequence before sending out a campaign.

An email campaign is a series of emails. An email marketing campaign is not just you send an email today and there’s no follow-up. Sending an email and planning it on the same day is such a very dangerous play. You never know what your result will be, since you only created your campaign the same day you’ll send it. You should plan, and create a draft of your one-week email before your campaign starts. 

Creating a story that will let your receiver crave more is one of the email campaigns that I’ve tried. They will surely wait for your next email when you tell them a cliffhanger story in your every email. 

In an email marketing campaign, before sending your very first in a campaign, you should know what will be your answer when they said “no”, “yes”, subscribe, unsubscribe, or reply to your email. You should have written an email whatever your receiver’s response will be. You can automate these responses to your email marketing tools, this will let you do your job easier. Make sure to plan everything out before your very first email. 

And there you have it. The eleven (11) email marketing strategies you need to master before you press the send button on your next email campaign. Make sure to subscribe to this blog if you want to know more about email marketing, or digital marketing in general. See you in my next blog

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