Advantages and Disadvantages of Email Marketing

Advantages and Disadvantages of Email Marketing, advantages and disadvantages of email marketing, email marketing pros and cons, drawbacks of email marketing, advantages email marketing, benefits of email marketing for small businesses, disadvantages of email marketing, email marketing pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages of email marketing, email marketing pros and cons,

Email marketing is a great way to reach out to people and let them know about your brand. It’s easy, cost-effective, and allows you to make personal connections with each customer. On the other hand, email marketing has its disadvantages. The main disadvantage of email marketing is that because it’s so easy and accessible, most people are using it for spam. In addition, sometimes you might overlook certain steps in email marketing due to a lack of time or complicated features.

I’m sure you’ve seen a number of people around Marketing Land discuss how email marketing is dead. Although the true usage of email marketing is at an all-time low, there are still a lot of businesses that use email to market their product or service online. While this article isn’t meant to persuade you, either way, I will give an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of email marketing.

In this blog, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of email marketing in your business.


We have different advantages of email marketing. Based on the experience of my team, these are the top 3 advantages. Make sure to read until the end to know not just the pros, but also the cons of email marketing. 

Low costs

One of the low costing marketing strategies is email marketing. Aside from the email marketing tools, you won’t pay anything. I also have a blog regarding the top 5 best email marketing tools to use in email campaigns 2022. I based it not just on the pricing but also on the services included in their plans. Read it to find out more about how low-cost email marketing is. 

If you are going to hire someone to do your campaign, it will only cost $250 to $500 monthly. The agency or the person you hire will be responsible for everything, from the template, functions, content, subject line, and flow, until the result.  

Do you think this is not low cost? You can do it yourself for only $10 to $1000 monthly depending. It will be all your effort though. First, you are going to purchase tools, create a template, and think of a flow, and content. It is a bit pricey because you might buy an email list or you can find them yourself also.

Instant delivery

Given that there are various email marketing tools online, you can let the tools you’ve chosen to send your email. Depending on the tools and the number of receivers, you can send an email campaign in just a blink of an eye. It will be delivered directly to the inbox of your receiver. You can also use the same template over and over again if you want to. 

The Internet is continuously growing. With that, everything that’s under it is also upgraded to cope up, that includes the email. Emails can be sent in a shorter period of time, unlike other marketing strategies. It also is made to be personalized so that your reader will relate to it. 


When talking about measurement, I’m talking about measurable results. In email marketing after sending emails, one email even, you can instantly check for your results. If any of your receivers opened your email, clicked your link inside your email, or even if your emails were bounced, meaning, the receiver’s email is invalid or not in use anymore.

You can easily monitor your every campaign; any tool has this function. If you want to know about this look for the video tutorial on Youtube. 

That concludes our advantages, some advantages may depend on the tools you used in your campaign. Some tools have an edge over others, make sure to check the reviews and free trial to adjust yourself before purchasing the tools. Let’s move on to the disadvantages…


Every marketing strategy has its disadvantages. But that doesn’t mean that you won’t benefit from it. You can benefit from every marketing strategy, especially in email marketing, you just have to be patient, and seize your moment. By doing such, you can even make use of the disadvantages and turn them in your favor. 

People have to subscribe.

Subscription is one of the main reasons why email marketing fails. People tend to hate subscribing to something. They just want to receive either free stuff or news about your promo. Some email marketing tools do not require a subscription. You can still send them an email campaign even without them clicking the subscription button or link. 

Most of the current email marketing tools don’t require subscription anymore. So, this is not a big problem anymore. 

Sometimes there are problems with spam filters.

The spam filter is the one responsible for why your email is being labeled as spam. When the filter is messed up, your email will be in the spam folder, and there’s a high possibility that your receiver won’t find your email anymore since most people are not checking their spam. 

One more reason why your email is being labeled as spam is because of your reputation score. If you are not aware of the reputation score, it is the score related to your open rate and clicks rate. Your click and open rate should be higher for your email to escape from the dungeon of spam email. 

How to avoid being labeled as spam? You have to make sure that most of your receivers will open your email and click your link. With that, your reputation score will surely go up and the mail will immediately remove your next email campaign to the spam folder.  For you to be open you have to have a clean email list. An email list that you are sure of ‘til opening your email is a no-brainer. They have to be a sure customer or at least in the same field of your content, for the, to be interested and instantly open your email.

That is all about the advantages and disadvantages of email marketing. Email marketing is a long-term process, you have to bear with it, and wait for your campaign to gain clients. Do not rush things, you might even experience these disadvantages first hand but do not give up just yet. You can easily turn it to your advantage in no time. Just try and try until you get that bacon!

Stand by for another blog next week. Hope you find reading my blog fun! See you in my next blog!

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