SEO in 2023: 7 Trends to Keep Your Website Ahead

SEO in 2023: 7 Trends to Keep Your Website Ahead, deceptive site, deceptive sites, seo company, seo, seo agency, keywordtool, google seo, seo optimization, search engine optimization, seo agency, seo companies, local seo, seo optimization, local seo trends, search engine optimization trends, 7 Search Engine Optimization Trends That Will Continue Until 2023,

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a tricky thing. On the one hand, it’s complicated to understand how Google ranks and indexes content. On the other hand, there are a lot of common sense practices that if you just follow, will improve your results. 

It’s a difficult balancing act because you have to keep up with Google’s ever-changing search engine algorithms as well as the latest trends. There’s always something new to learn, try, test, and implement to get more traffic from search engines. Sometimes you hear SEO wisdom that turns out to be true and sometimes it turns out to be complete nonsense. 

If you’re still on the fence about SEO, the good news is that 2023 has a lot to offer. We’ll see some big changes for SEO in 2023. Here are some SEO trends we’ve seen this year which will continue into 2023;

  1. Page load speed
  2. Mobile-optimized content
  3. Content is king
  4. Image optimization
  5. Voice Search Optimization
  6. The Importance of UX on SEO Rankings
  7. Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Now that you know what are the 7 trends in SEO that will continue until next year, let’s dive into it even deeper.

Page load speed

Currently, internet providers offer internet speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps because they all know that netizens want to experience things as fast as possible. It makes sense because if you are looking for something and got it in just a couple of clicks, that’ll improve your productivity. All the time you’re consuming to load a slow website could be devoted to some other things. 

If you, yourself want things fast, you should also make your website viewers experience them.

Page load speed should be one of the priorities of any website owner. Despite it being pretty standard, still, many are doing the same mistakes over and over again. If you are a website owner or trying to create a website on your own, one thing you should be prioritizing is the time your website is consuming to load everything up. 

Many factors affect your website’s loading speed, let me show you some of them;


Hard-coded websites exist because some of the customized features of a website are not available on the drag-and-drop or the website creator with elementor. 

There are no particular differences between the drag-and-drop and hard-coded websites. The thing is, some of the features available on the hard-coded websites are making your website heavier which causes them to load slower. 


Graphics you put on your website also affects how slow or how fast your website would load. On the other hand, graphics makes your website more appealing, and cater to people that are visual learners. 

Hosting Provider

You probably heard of Hypertext Transfer Protocol or what we all know as HTTP. Every time a website’s viewer clicks your website the HTTP will send an HTTP request to your hosting provider to load every single image, stylesheet, and literally everything on your website. So, if you are a website owner or you want to create a website soon, think carefully and research what could be the best hosting provider for you and our kind of niche. 

There are many factors that influence the speed at which a website loads, but let’s discuss them in our next blog post.

Mobile-optimized content

Mobile internet surfers are growing and growing every day. Making your website available and accessible to mobile users is a huge mistake. 

Mobile-optimized content is a trend this year and still will surely make an impact even in the next year. New mobile devices are being developed and most of the things you could do on your computer are also available on mobile. 

Either way, may your viewers be using computers or mobile devices, you should make your website responsive in both. You should be wary about them because your viewers are the priority why’d you make your website for. What I’m saying is just because you have done your website on the computer, meaning you are not going to have a mobile device user that will view your website. 

Content is king

The Google Search Results Pages we all know as SERP does not rank websites and flash them at the top of the result because of the website’s incredible design. Websites are ranked by their content. 

Content being the trend in 2022 will be popular and will work for up to no one knows when. Hence, when people are looking for the information they need, the first thing they read on any search engine is the content. People are visiting your website, mostly because you offer what they need or you have information that they are looking for. 

Content will always be your number one traffic provider on your website. Other search engines are very particular with the content you post on your website. You should conduct your research to be able to create very impactful content. 

Image optimization

Image optimization is a trend that is very effective these days. People are loving the way your blogs or the design of your website is aesthetically appealing. 

In place of the people who love the well-designed website, website owners maximize having images inside their content. On contrary, the image makes the website loading speed wane. Even though image optimization is a trend, some website owners are still in the dark. They are not aware that one’s can optimize images and all the graphics they put in their website to make it load a bit faster. 

Image optimization will surely still make an impact until the next few years. With the trend of prioritizing the readers, visitors, or how else would you want to call them, image optimization will be a great help since you will be able to lessen the time they spend waiting for a website to load and spend more time acquiring the things they are after. 

Voice Search Optimization

In the current generation, many, if not all, are exposed to using voice assistants. Aside from it looking cool, voice assistants are very helpful AI(Artificial Intelligence) virtual assistants. You can call them up and search your search engine. Some even have this thing called “smart home” which means that all of your things are operated by voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and more. 

Since voice search and voice assistant is a fads, you should make use of it and optimize your website’s voice search. Meaning, you can be seen by the assistant whenever people activated their voice search functions and looked for content that is similar to yours. 

Technologies keep on updating from time to time. We are probably going to have another trend in 2023, the lens search. Google has these features already. It might be a trend and keep people’s life more and more convenient.

The Importance of UX on SEO Rankings

User experience is the new key to search engine rankings. Making sure you have a great user experience has always been important to me when designing a website. The better the user experience, the more traffic and engagement your site gets, and ultimately, the more profit and conversion rate – directly affecting your dwell time and your search engine rankings.

User experience (or UX) refers to how enjoyable and easy it is for users to interact with your website. This includes everything from how long it takes them to find what they’re looking for, to how quickly content loads on their device or browser. It can also include things like how easy it is to navigate through pages, or if there are any broken links or images that don’t show up properly.

The reason why users’ experience is a trend and will stay a trend this coming year is that users are the lifeline of your website. Users will make your website’s ranking skyrocket. Hence, Google’s update, which is one of the most known search engines in the whole world, focuses mostly on the users’ experience. 

Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Admit it or not, Artificial intelligence is making our lives easier. Although we are aware of the negativity that it can cause us, we can’t just deny the fact that it helps us a lot. And this technology is now a trend in the online industry. 

It may not be revolutionary, but AI and Chatbots will certainly change the way we use search engines from now on. The scope of chatbots is improving day by day. Messenger marketing and chatbot marketing is the next big thing that is likely to replace webpages, email, and social media. There are already many different surveys done which say chatbot technology is here to stay and people will start using it in near future.

Chatbots allow you to maintain better relationships with your customers by providing an instant response to any query or question they might have about your business or product. They can help you boost conversion rates and build trust with potential clients through personalized interaction. And they can even answer questions before they’re asked—allowing them to recommend products to users based on their previous purchases or browsing history.

The most important thing to remember about chatbots is that they are not human.

While they can be programmed to mimic human conversation, they are designed to learn from what you teach them. They are not the same as the personal assistants you may be used to in other parts of your life, like Siri or Alexa. They aren’t trying to be your friend, and they aren’t trying to tell you what you want to hear—they’re just trying to help you get what you need.

That’s why it’s so important for businesses to learn how their customers use chatbots before implementing them on their sites. A good tool will allow businesses to track conversations between customers and bots and see where there might be room for improvement. It should also give them access to a wide range of different options for how they want their bot to respond when users ask questions or make requests for it.

For example, if a customer is looking for a particular item on an e-commerce website and asks whether or not it’s available in stock right now, an AI-powered chatbot could respond with a link directly into the store’s inventory system so that customer can check themselves without having to wait on hold with customer service representatives.

In view of these facts, AI and chatbots will surely make it known more in any industry. 2023 will make its way for updates that are more on Artificial Intelligence because it is faster than doing things manually. 

With all the things stated above, These are the 7 SEO trends that will continue even the next year. Make sure to take notes of this and apply all of them in the next years. If you have any questions regarding the topic, just message us and we’ll get back to you on that. 

See you in my next blog!


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