Link Building: Best SEO Strategy In 2022

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We are constantly bombarded by Google algorithm updates, Penguin is the latest, then Panda, and so on. Crawling, indexing, ranking and updating result in a high turnover of search engines and all sorts of sites. With a lot to gain from a good, and ranking placement, the competition is fierce.

We know that it’s hard to cope with the updates. But, we discover something you probably know but ain’t aware of its use. Let me share something about Link building.

Link building is one of the SEO tactics that can be enhanced by content writing. As a matter of fact, it is recommended to not only create content but write for humans and include some links in your piece. It is a marketing strategy that can boost your search engine optimization campaign. So, let’s understand how link building works and why you need to ensure that all your content includes links. With this blog, we will debunk what really link building is and how ill it helps your business or even your personal website’s ranking. Let’s get into it.

What is link building?

Let us familiarize ourselves with the terminology first. Let us know what is link building, really.

Link building is a process of creating content and then putting links or what most of us know as hyperlinks. Link building in a website’s content is like directing your reader to some other website that discusses a certain topic that is not the main point of your content that you can’t discuss further because it might cause confusion to your reader. 

The links that you are going to use can either be from your own website, like your previous content, or from some other websites that are more focused on that certain topic than you are.

Why do we need to build links?

Most of the Google updates these past few months are more focused on the spam account, websites, and content. Building your links will make it look like you are not a spam user. Hence when you build your links, you will be able to have conversations with fellow website content creators or website owners and you will be able to build trust for your website. 

Since we are already into the topic, let me tell you the 3 main reasons why you need to build links. 

  • Increase your website ranking

Let’s start with what most content creators want; To have a higher ranking on different search engines. Building your links will surely help in your SEO ranking. 

If you don’t know it yet, your website’s ranking is the number or your position in search engine results whenever someone search for a topic that you’re website’s content is related to.

Are we clear already? If still not, When you build your links, the keywords you used will help you with your search engine ranking. Many people will see your website and they will be more aware of you and what you can offer. 

  • Increase brand awareness

As I told you when you have a better ranking on a search engine, people will get to encounter your website. If you have some other content that will gain their attention, they might even subscribe and avail of one or more of your services, and products that you offer. 

Let’s admit that not all people know about you, your website, or your business unless you are already a well-known company. With a better search engine ranking, your website will have more chances to be known.

  • Get your articles cited

Getting cited by other websites is both an honor and a privilege. It’s an honor to the point that you will know that people are interested in your content and they can gain something from what you wrote. It will kind of look like they got inspiration from your content. A privilege because you will be cited and your content and website will have a chance to be visited by people who visited the websites that cited your website. 

If you are a new copywriter, you probably don’t know this technique. To get your content or website cited by other website-content creators, you can subscribe to another website and comment about their content, and ask them if they are open to linking each other’s content.

How to define the Link Building strategy

Link-building strategy is the way you build your link. Sounds weird, but that’s all that it is. In this section, we will tackle a few link-building strategies that really helped me with my website.

  • Guest blogging

Guest blogging is from the word itself. You, as a content creator will be creating blogs for another website. You might think that Guest blogging is kind of off. Don’t worry, you will have something in return. 

When you do guest blogging, the website you created a blog for will cite your website. They will hyperlink your website to the content you created. It’s like they are hiring you in exchange for throwing traffic from their website’s viewers to yours. With that, you will be able to gain audiences every time they got interested in your website’s content. 

  • External links

There are internal links and external links, but let’s discuss them more in the next blog. Let’s talk about external links for a little bit. 

External links are citing other websites it can either be their content, services, and more. In Google and some other search engine, they are looking after your content, they are notifying you that you need to add external links to your content. 

Aside from driving traffics to other websites, you will also be able to interact with other content creators which might give you both a chance to guest blogging.  

  • Broken Link Building

It’s normal that some of the links on your website are not functioning. They are sometimes directing the viewers to a 404 link or broken link. 

Fixing these broken links will be able to ensure your user experience. When your users or viewers are having ease directing your website, you are giving them a high chance to return whenever they want to. 

  • Make inviting content

Last but certainly not the least important, is creating inviting content. Inviting content doesn’t only mean that you are inviting your viewers into something.

You should also create content that will make your reader stay and read until the last few words in your content.

Why Link Building is the ultimate strategy

With all the information stated above, you probably know why link building strategy is the best strategy to use with the continuous update of Google. However, if you’re still not aware of the importance of link building to your website. 

Google is updating things that are related to spam and user experience. By building your link, you are aware of your users, viewers, and readers. When you build your link, you will be able to cater to what your viewers need. 

Google is updating from time to time on what their user see. Building your link is the same as making your viewers feel, read, and have the best experience. In lieu of this, you are making your website rank higher and when you do build your link correctly, it would seem like Google is creating updates for your website. 

It will seem like Google is making it better for your website. As long as you are not violating other Google policies, you are good to go. Make sure to maximize all these tips and strategies to gain a higher ranking together with the Google update. If you want to know more about this topic, you can subscribe to this blog, and let’s crack the code of Google together, see you in my next blog.

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